Hard Work Isn't Always Hard....

Active, Driven Adults Love the Concept of "Hard Work". We all want to Feel like as though we tackle Life with a Can't Stop/Won't Stop Mentality. The Country embraces and praises the Image of Strenuous, Exhausted Workers, Work Ethic and even Workouts. The Fitness Industry and Field of Health and Wellness is not immune to the suggestion that Hard=Good. Crossfit, a company with equal amounts of detractors and supporters, has done an incredible job of raising Public Consciousness and Intensity of "Workouts". Leaving the merits their Philosophy and Program Design for another day, they are now Synonymous with Hard, Tough, Grueling Sessions. 

At IPF, we have a Hard-Working Group of Clients. We have always Believed that Focused Effort, in an Energetic Atmosphere, with High Character (You Have to Coach Character/Character=Culture) Clients creates an Environment that produces Improvement.  It may sound Simple, but often the Application is not.                                                                    What is Easy: Running Clients/Athletes into the Ground, Making every Workout Hard, and then Blaming the Clients/Athletes for not being Tough when they become Injured. That is a common recipe, one that one won't go out of style anytime soon for your "Type A" Personalities. They Love to "Go Hard or Go Home" right up until they are Physically and Mentally Beat, and cannot continue to Train Effectively.                                                                                                          What is Difficult: Helping Clients/Athletes use varied Training Intensity Days, use Technology to Monitor Recovery-and then listen to the Data, and "Buy-In" to the Concept that Recovery is Part of Training. 

It's not just hard to Grasp, its Hard to Sell. It's not Sexy, Stylish or even Fun. It is however, a huge part of the Process and one of the main distinctions between Training and Working Out. Training involves a Short, Medium and Long-Term Plan. It involves Evaluation, Planning, Implementation, Monitoring, Adjusting, and more Evaluation. It is Science-Based and focuses on What You Need, not What You Want. It is more difficult to Train based on your HRV, or a Hard-Medium-Easy Variable Template, or even just allowing for Maximum Recovery between each Workout. Training Decisions are not easy: Go to Bed Earlier, Spend more Time on Meal Prep, Learn to Cook instead of Eating Out, Refrain/Limit Alcohol, etc. This may not qualify as "Hard Work", but these Choices that shape your Behaviors are Essential to Success. Vital. Critical. Important.

If you want to Work-Out, then Science really doesn't matter. Seal Training one day, Bootcamps the next. P-90X one week, Functional Training soon after. It's just "Muscle Confusion" we are after anyway, right? (If you are not sure, that is a joke aimed at Buzzword Marketing) You can do whatever to your Body, and the "Why" never factors in. Go Hard, Get Tired, Repeat. But one day you may get Frustrated that you are always sore, not really Improving, or are hurt for the 8th time and have little to show for it. The Hard Choice is to be Smart. To Plan, Periodize, Recover and become accommodated to Steady Incremental Improvements. Consistency, Patience and the Ability to see the "Big Picture" may be the Hardest Work of all...

The Truth is, My Plan is Lazy...

No one ever likes to admit bad behaviors. They are often associated with Frustration, Anger, Disappointment and Failure. They are difficult to change and harder still is locating the root or origin of the problem. Empirically, successful Change is a result of strong Emotion brought about by Realization, Health Concerns, Life Change, Feelings of Inadequacy/Opportunity, etc. The Process and Plan are very important, but the Trigger must transfer to something much stronger internally to achieve sustainability. It has to become part of you. It can be a wonderfully Positive and Powerful Journey, but it is rarely easy...

Recently, Jamie Damon and I attended a Conference and were asked to consider a great many things about the Financial aspect of running a Business. Some were regarding "Systems" while others were directed towards Decision-Making. One of the questions caught me off-guard for a number of reasons. They asked, in a linear thread, one right after the other: Do you Educate your Clients? (Yes-We Try!) Do your Clients seek out more Information? (Yes-very cool) Do you have a Website? (Yes) Do you Write on your Website? (Not really-I used to). I realized that not only do I not write on the Website as often as I should, and not only do we spend enough time making a our Website a resource for current and prospective Clients, but that also my "Plan" for working on the Informational portion of the Business was poor. 

Poor may not even be a strong enough word. I didn't mark-down Time on my Calendar each week or on my To-Do Lists Daily. I assumed there would be enough time to do something that should have a greater priority to me. I was Wrong. Repeatedly. One of our favorite phrases is: "It's not the Behavior that concerns me as much as why you don't Change it". This applies directly to me. I knew my Plan was sloppy and inefficient, but I did not Change. That is a Problem.

I take Pride in Working Hard. I like our Business because of the People we Teach, Coach and Help.  The Days start early and end late and I Love it. I like that most of my "Early" Mornings are earlier than most, and a 3:22am Alarm is exciting, not sad or upsetting. If I am to be the "Hard-Worker" that I am Proud of, then my Needs and Wants have to be managed correctly. I Want to be in the Gym Coaching, Interacting and Enjoying each moment. Sometimes, I Need to be at the Computer: Writing, Thinking and Making Sure our Message is Clear.  I am here Today doing just that. I will put my best foot forward. How long this lasts, I am unsure, but I have recognized and Evaluated my Plan...and made it Better. It starts with a Simple Step, Take One with Me Won't You?

19 Years and just a Few Moments...

Editors Note: I have started and stopped this piece 5x. Emotions can be difficult to put on paper:

Today marks the Day of Birth of my Mother. This is the 19th Birthday we have Celebrated since she passed away. An Amazing and Resilient Woman, she succumbed to Breast Cancer after a   5 year Battle that had many Hills and Valleys. I wanted to discuss how this Process, Her Life, Battle with Cancer, and Death, propelled me forward and continues to shape much of who I am.

My final year @Boston University, and for 2+ years after (save the 9 Months I spent abroad playing Football), I lived at Home with my Mother, my Step-Father Paul, and my Brother Al. Those years made me appreciate my Family, Sacrifice, and Love. The phrase, the Strength is in the Struggle, became very apparent to me in those 3+ years. Not only in my Mother, but also in those around her. My Step-Father, to this day, is the most giving person I have ever seen. Caring for my Mother, providing stability to her Family, and never for a moment placing his needs above anyone else's. Although I believe he taught me how to be Selfless, I do not know if I will have his Strength in Crisis. My Brother never hid his emotions, and had made Peace with the outcome long before I. He was Consistent, a Trait I have found more Valuable than any other when applied correctly. My Mother was Strong. She believed in Perspective.  She thought of Positive Outcomes for all of us when her Opportunity for one had long since vanished. There was no Right or Wrong, there was Life, and we were Living it. 

My Family (and to a Great Degree, My Father and a few Incredible Coaches I was fortunate enough to Play for/Work with) shaped how I feel about Today. Not the Today, my Mother's Birthday, but the Today-Why Everything Matters/Choices/This Moment Now- how I Think and Feel. I often indicate I want to Change my Opinion as soon as I receive better Information, and try to uphold that at great expense (Time/Effort/Structure). Where I will Resist this Concept, is the Present Tense of Now. Now is Important all the Time. I will always lack the Patience of Waiting to Begin, Waiting to Start, or just not using Now to it's fullest potential. I would have liked to enjoy many more "Now's" with my Mother. With our Family. With that Happiness. When I Coach, I Coach in the Now, and hope that while you Understand the Journey/Process/Structure is extremely Important, it is comprised of countless "Now's" that should be utilized without compromise. I don't believe I will ever think any different.

At the End, I spent most of every day hoping my Mother would pass on and end a suffering existence. There was no sorrow the last month, just a hope that this frail vessel that was My Mother, with no Sight, Hearing, or Ability to Communicate, would complete her Journey. I felt relief for my Brother and Step-Father when she died, but no sadness. Watching someone Mentally and Physically disappear had long since stolen any anguish I possessed. In fact, I cried incredibly hard for days when each of my Dogs: LJ, and Midori, passed. I was unprepared for their sudden departure and form tears as I type this now. My Mother's death made me Live. I became a Full-Time Coach. I saw Excitement in helping others see the Perspective she wanted me to see. I saw less Value in Money and more Value in Time. Essentially, I started to grow up.

You should waste as little time feeling sorry for me as you do feeling despondent over this post. This is a Tribute to the Woman (and my Family) who Taught, Loved and Pushed me further than I would have ever gone were it not for her (their) Courage in Life and in the face of Death. I know what motivates me, not because of a mark on the Calendar, but because of the many Moments that Special People have shared with me. Those Moments, and the ever-present "Now's" that fill and enrich our existence, are your Currency to Live. Everything, from Inchworm to Attitude, from Spiderman to Structure, and from "Now" until "Then", Matters. It is worth going "All-In" on Everything. Now you know why....

I am hoping to meet my Mom @Success...





The New Guy...

This week, a Gentlemen called, then came by IPF to indicate he wanted to begin Working Out. On the phone (not his first call), he said it was just what he needed and would start tomorrow. 8 Days later, he walked in during our 9:00am Group and said he would be starting the following day. Jamie Damon asked me if I thought the man would show and I responded he would not. I said aloud that I hoped to be wrong, but that his Behavior/Mannerisms/Body Language, after spending 20+ years in our field, was easy to recognize and predict (at least initially). 

Fear, Insecurity, and Change can Motivate or Paralyze you. For some, it shoves them off the couch and into action with the force of Thor's Hammer. For others, it pushed them deeper into the Abyss of Inactivity and Shame. After time spent with an Individual, it is much easier to discern how they Interpret Information, Why they Think a certain way, and what Hinders/Helps them each day. At first glance, however, it is difficult to discern How they Think. That same first look can easily tell you What they are Thinking. 

What I am trying to Communicate is that there are Qualities present immediately when we Speak with someone on the Phone, when they Walk in the Door, or when we Read an Email or Text. These Characteristics are both Positive and Negative, and may change and evolve as rapidly as their Body. I often say that I want to have a Strong Opinion until I hear better Information, and then I want to Change my Opinion immediately. Better Information=New Opinion. I am always hoping to Acquire Better Information, and I look forward to Changing my Mind as an Improvement of what I had held previously True. Malcolm Gladwell would attribute some of that to repetitive "Thin-Slicing", but regardless of the marketing title, I think the Process makes sense. 

Everyday, Clients walk into IPF with a "Look". It is Influenced by things as Important as Sleep (Good and Bad), Nutrition (Good and Bad) and Energy (Good and Bad), to as Trivial as worrying about what Bike you will Ride, who your Partner will be, or what type of Shake you will have Post-Workout. It is the Flight or Flight Opportunity of the Moment, and there may be plenty throughout the Day. You could argue it is a Choice or a Perspective, that you are either Excited by the Opportunity or Dreading it (Gervais). Do you feel terrible about yourself and withdraw, or do you embrace the Challenge and push forward? This is not a hard "Read" for the Staff, as the Preparation, Body Language, Time of Arrival, Behavior, Skin, Eyes, etc, tell a very clear story. I often ask our Community to "Fully Invest/Buy-In" because I don't know why We/They would ever want to get less than the Optimal Result. Protecting your Insecurities make them Stronger, and Fear of Failure is the single most Powerful Inhibitor I have ever seen. When you walk into any room, at Home, Work, to Coach, to Learn, etc, what you Convey to the people around you and what you bring to the surrounding Environment is very Powerful...and also usually very telling regarding your Outcome.

I have been pleasently and happily Incorrect many times, as the Strength of IPF is the Community within. They have Made, Molded, and Re-Shaped many before my eyes so that I quickly Changed my Perception. I change it everyday to varying degrees. The Power of this "Pack" and many other great Groups, Teams, and Organizations is that the Sum of the Whole is greater than the Sum of the Parts. Our Concept is woven into the Environment, Atmosphere, Curriculum and Participation at IPF. Right or Wrong, we make this our "Own". I truly believe there is an Inherent Obligation to make those around you Better. while that may sound virtuous, it is not easy. Bringing (Dragging) a Friend, Co-Worker, or Family Member to IPF may be the Best or Worst experience of their Life depending on their Attitude, Readiness for Change, or their "Look"...but the Difficulty shouldn't stop you from trying to Help Someone, regardless of How. Ultimately, they will "Tell" you with their Behavior. Hopefully, you will be Patient, Positive and Ready to Change your Mind. 

We are all the "The New Guy" everyday, and have Wonderful (or Terrible) Opportunities and Choices that we face. How we face them is Important, but the Success or Failure initially is not as relevant as the Repetition of that Moment of Choice. Fight or Flight? Now or Later? Love it or Dread it? Live, and Face those Moments with Hope, a Plan, and the benefit of what has led you to this point. Doing so ensures that you will meet me @Success...

Oh, that New Guy, you and I won't see him again. The fear has won this round, let's all hope he has enough to get up when the bell rings and battle again. I can't wait to Change my Mind and be Wrong about being Right... :) 

Recovery Starts Now...

We like to leave each IPF Group with something to Think About upon the completion of their Workout. It may have to do with establishing Positive Behaviors, the Total Sleep Number for the week, trying to Cook a New Dish at Home, or staying On-Schedule. Each day we will try to Educate/Reinforce/Instill Principles, Knowledge, and Information to the IPF Community. This week, the Message is clear: Recovery starts Now! 

Not that night, not when the next Meal is consumed, not even in a Hot/Cold Contrast Shower. It Starts Now...as part of your Mentality. Everything you do should be geared towards Rebuilding yourself for your next Workout. We break down at the end of a Workout, you high-five your Partner and many others who Worked Hard, and it begins... Tight Muscles are Rewarded with Massage. Joints are encouraged with Mobility. Excess BodyFat is corrected with Cardiovascular Exercise. Post-Workout Shakes are consumed. The Body benefits from Re-hydration, all of this occurs within the Moments after the Workout. Before your Shower, your walk to the Car, or your last high-five, you know your Plan for the Day. It is Recovery-Based, as is everything you do until the next Workout begins. Every moment that is dedicated and predicated on Good Health is built around your Recovery. Your Daily "Efficiency", Nutritional Plan, Relaxation/Rest/Sleep at Night are all based on what you Did and what you Need. Recovery is not an Accident, it is a Positive Mind-Set that promotes the best possible Performance for your Next Workout by Living each moment until then directed by your Principles, Plan, and Execution.

There is a saying by a friend of mine in our Field that indicates Training=Rehab and Rehab=Training. It asserts that a Smart, Focused, Well Developed Plan is interchangeable between the two, and what is Important for Training is equally necessary in Rehab. Similarly, Recovery=Health and Health=Recovery. The Principles that guide your Recovery are the same that govern your Health. Balanced Nutrition, Muscular Care, Quality Sleep, an Overall Plan, Limiting Stress, etc, are all Essential Components of Success for Recovery and Health. The "Buy-In" is not limited to one Aspect, one Moment, or one Phase of your Life...This is a Polar Bear Plunge rather than a dip your toe in the water. 

If you feel Tired for multiple days, recognize that something is wrong, not right. If you are beaten down from your Workouts, then you are not Succeeding, you are coming up short. You are not Fit when you Heart works non-stop, you are Fit when your Hear is efficient. If your Car revved @8000 RPM's all the time, would you think that was normal? Your Recovery enhances your Workout, your Workout Improves your Performance, and your Performance depends on your Recovery...Build "You" back up every chance you get, and soon enough you will see and feel what it is like to be Better than you were.

Keep Building and I will meet you @Success...

A Great Week...

Summer Shed, Week 1, has come to a close. Our Community can receive Credit for up to 5 Workouts each week. Attendance is an Important, Evaluated, and Emphasized as a Category consistent with Success. With a number of previous Shed's to draw Information from, it is clear that Attendance=Improvement. That should not be a Revelation, but when you can see "it", on paper, in front of you, it tends to be as Motivating as it is Telling. Here are the members of the IPF Community who were Present 5x this Week-Well Done!

Cathy Johnson, Matt Ros, Lori Dreyfus, Mike Maloney, Mrs. Fraser, Paul Fraser, Megan Deyermond, Kelci Adams, Mark Cicarelli, Suzy Cicarelli.

This is a terrific number for a Vacation Week. Week 2 should be even better...Gaining Ground Baby! 


Welcome Back...(to the Same Behaviors?)

I have made the point many times that the "Sharpness" of Learning from Failure is much greater than Learning from Success. We have indicated that watching the Patterns/Habits/Mistakes of someone on a downward Trajectory can be as Beneficial as it is Painful and Awkward. You need to Recognize the Bad with the Good, both sides of the Success Spectrum, and know how to Fix something before it Breaks.  None of this is possible without getting your hands dirty. Finding a Breaking Point in yourself, watching a Relative or Friend struggle with their Fitness, or simply letting "Average" creep into your Daily Ritual are all situations that are Opportunities to Learn. Short-Term, Failure is Difficult. The Mental aspect is much tougher to deal with and you can question everything. Long-Term, Failure is Information. It provides a Set Point to Develop, Nurture, and Execute your Plan with the Knowledge of Experience and Evaluation. For You (and your Kids) a little Struggle goes a long way...

What happens when someone Struggles @IPF? There are very few Secrets in our Gym, and Negative Behavior is hard to miss. Attendance, Effort, Grit/Toughness, and Attitude are all Displayed in every moment. You generally know who is "Trending" in what Direction. A great example: Big Jimmy. Big Jimmy is a terrific kid who has dealt with some Internal Conflict. It has been displayed for all to see. Jimmy has had multiple Successful "Chapters" of %BodyFat + Weight Loss, Improved Fitness, and Increased Strength. The Problem lies with his Success. Each bout of Improvement was met with Distraction, and then Disappearance. Lose 30lbs, Disappear for 30 Days. Ride his Best 5mile Bike, Vanish for 5 Days. Have a Perfect month of Attendance, then no-show for a month. We had a Sequence Code for what Jimmy would cite as his "Opponent" when Texting Out: Car/Work/Family/Repeat. None of this makes Jimmy a Bad Person. In fact, he was as beloved as anyone in our Community. People worked hard to help him every day in the gym, he received repeated reinforcement from his peers, and was motivated by his current condition and Health Markers to Improve. He still failed. Repeatedly. He is still Loved, asked about, and dangeroulsy Unfit. I think it is as necessary to Recognize this as it is Important. You have to see that sometimes the People you care about may benefit from a different approach, may need your help a little bit more, and your emotion(s) can Hinder/Blind/Negate your Effect along the way. Jimmy will get another shot as soon as he is ready, but each Failure brings about more Structure to his new Plan. That Structure may be what he Needs, and Resents, the most...

How would you Treat a returning member of the IPF community that had struggled in the Past? Would your Like/Dislike affect how (much) you tried to Help? Human Nature is different, but exists, for all of us. What is more Important-that Someone "Likes" or "Respects" the Journey? What is more Important-their overall Health or how much they "Like" you? Regardless, you need to Learn from each and every person you Interact with every day. Their Behavior, Positive or Negative, should help you Walk your Path that much Better...and you never know when someone form the Past Returns and Needs your Help :)

Lets Walk Together to meet @Success. 

Sometimes it is Said Better by Someone Else...

I read this the other day and thought it was relevant to share. I honestly do not know why people hold onto certain Idea's so strongly while Rejecting other Concepts that are more Viable/Scientific/Helpful. The Scale is given so much Power by Individuals who are not Comfortable/Satisfied/Happy with Themselves or their Bodies. (We have used the Scale in the Past to Track Trends/Health/Patterns with Bodyweight but always in conjunction with %BodyFat). Take the Power you have given the Scale or Others and put it into Action for you. How You Feel, the Mirror, and How You Perform are solid Indicators of Progress (if you are reading them correctly). Being upset with Improvement is also an Odd Concept to me, as many people will indicate they have Improved but Think they should Look/Feel Incredible...Did someone tell you it would be Easy? That it would take 6 weeks? Do you look around when you are in Public-People are Succeeding and/or Struggling every day-just like you. The Infomercials/Ads/Magazines are misleading and trying to Sell you a Product. We are trying to Sell Concepts and Structure. Although they are Free, they come with a Price to Pay along the Way. Top 5 Quote: "What Hurts More-the Pain of Hard Work or the Pain of Regret? To me, Regret stings like a son-of-a-gun...Own who you are and I will meet you @Success!



If you are going to Live by Numbers, Live on the Computer, or Live with Negativity, then you aren't Living...and you are not an IPF Person. We don't want More, we want Better.


The Common Man...

You could do a lot worse than Mark Cicarelli. From a distance, he is an average man. Short, potentially Thick, with military Hair, and a crooked Smile that you aren't sure is welcoming. Moving closer, you see he is a Boston guy. Home-team tattoos, Hometown Pride, and an accent he will deny exists. That is the cover portrait. If that is as deep as you get with Mark, it will be your loss. In fact, regardless of the fact that he is the Law, steal a few things from "Chick" if you can: He is a Tireless Worker-give him a Task and he tackles it head on with few interruptions and fewer excuses.  He is Genuine-he takes Responsibility for the Positives and Negatives of who he is. He is Coachable-tell him what he can Improve/Did Wrong and he wants to fix it. He enjoys being Coached. He makes others Better-be his Partner for a day, but hurry, as someone will probably grab him before you do. He is never "looking" for a Partner. He is Happy for Other People's Success-he wants you to do Well and it "Fuels" him to Improve. He "Enjoys the Process"-from when he walks in IPF until he walks out, the is very little Negative Energy coming off the man. He is having fun. Mark Cicarelli is a regular guy...with 7 kids, a crazy wife (we LOVE Suzy), a tough Job, Huge Arms, and a tight shirt that he would gladly give you off of his back. Steal a few qualities from people like Mark so that you can realize that you aren't born great, you Build Great. The Common Man ("Man" is Non-Gender Specific) made our Country what it is, and makes IPF a Special Place-we have a bunch of them baby-make yourself one of them! 

Starting a Streak...

I enjoy starting a Streak, as it usually is something Intentional, Authentic, and Positive. I am trying to put another day in my 8/8/8 Streak right now. 8+ Hours of Sleep, 8 Bottles of Water and 8 Notes that pertain to IPF/Health/Business each day. The Recipe was rather Simple when I looked at what I Struggle with.

Sleep makes everything Better, especially my Health and Efficiency, so I started with that. If it is Important, treat it so, and it will Improve (Side Note: that Attitude works for almost Everything). My Water Intake varies a little to much from day to day, and, as I Travel frequently, it should be more consistent. Finally, I have plenty of Ideas each day, but I may be Coaching, Driving Walking the Dogs, Eating, etc. My follow-through later on is disproportinate to the thoughts that can be of benefit to IPF. I want to write down 8 Ideas each day so they are Tangible and can be followed up on or discarded (Ideas are Grouped like this: Like it-Use It, Like it-Revisit it, Don't Like it).  8/8/8 is just a Simple Way to think/Remind myself of my Goal. It is not extravagant, the Title or the Goal, but is certainly Important to my overall effectiveness. I like to Build on Success. I am not looking for a 9 Day Streak (but I will take it). I may Run a few Streaks together because things are going well, but I need to demonstrate Positive Behavior to Build Positive Behavior. There is some Literature that suggests repeating an action for roughly 25 days will translate to an Ingrained Behavior. Some suggest it is closer to 70 days. Wherever the Tipping Point is, it is easy to recognize that Repetition of Positive Protocols/Patterns/Habits are conducive to Successful Structure and a Plan that works. I want to Enjoy my Work and my Life, and because the two are interwoven so closely, an easy device with an elementary title helps me get a little better at both. I want my 1% better Everyday, and I want you to be selfish about yours. Start your Streak, and, if it is Cooking every Friday, getting out of your comfort zone @IPF's Saturday Workout, or never missing a Game of Thrones Episode on Sunday, Run your Streak with Passion and Fun. You don't have to be Cal Ripken, but you do have to Commit.

Start "Streaking" and I will meet you @Success...



The Potency of Efficiency...

One of my Favorite Thoughts/Quotes: "We are not Working Out to stay up more Hours each Day, we are Working Out to be more Efficient with the Hours we are Up" Essentially, we want to have more Energy, more Drive, and "Do" more with our 14-16 Hours as opposed to trying to extend the day. Living "Harder" and Being as "Aggressive" with our Rest/Recovery as we are with our Workouts. How do you be "Aggressive" with your Rest/Recovery. It starts with a Realization that better Sleep will have a bigger Impact on the IPF Community than any other facet of your Training Triangle. If you are already coming to IPF, then your Workouts are above-average in both Intensity and Volume. Improving them (aside from Consistency) will probably be difficult. Nutritionally, you may not have all the answers, but you certainly are aware of your Behaviors that lead you to Positive/Negative Results. Where you can make your Workouts, Nutrition, and Body better is by Improving and Increasing your Sleep. "Aggressively" planning your Sleep Nights: 2 Nights each week where you go to bed at least 1 hour early. "Aggressively" creating an Ideal Sleep Environment: decreasing the Room Temperature, Eliminating Light, and Turning your Phone to Airplane Mode for the duration of your Rest. "Aggressively" structuring a Sleep Process: a 15-20min Procedure that repeat nightly before laying down (Laying your clothes out, Brushing your Teeth, Making the Bed suitable for Sleep, etc). Chances are, if you adhere to these suggestions, the last thing you will be is "Aggressive". You will be Relaxed, Refreshed and Improving Daily. With Sleep, the advice I always give is simple and effective: "You don't know until you try"...When was the last time you slept 55+ Hours and didn't feel better? When was the last time you decided that Rest was the most Important thing you did each week? When was the last time you got better in every aspect of your Life by doing one thing? :) Here is your chance!

A Single Step goes a Long Way...Take it!...and I will meet you @Success!  

The Start of a Journey...

This Blog is Intended for those who want to Improve. There is a definitive Attitude to those People. The Message is the what matters most...not the wrapping, not the fancy colors or hyperbole, just the Gift itself. Potentially, someone spent too much time patting you on the head/back/ass telling you everything would be just fine. Just fine=Average. What was the last Great Achievement that you Witnessed/Participated in/Were Made Aware of, that didn't require incredible Effort, Focus and Commitment? Why do you think things should be easy? When have they ever been? Your Parents had it easy? Your Grandparents? I have seen many Parents work Incredibly Hard for Success, only to make things easier for their Kids. There is a reason Success often skips a Generation. The Strength is in the Struggle. You will Appreciate your own Effort, and those around you, when you Embrace the Process. If you get excited about Working for Success, it will Find you Early and Often. Don't Resent what is Necessary to Achieve, make it something you Want, Need, and Enjoy above what is easy. The Best Opportunity to Succeed is Produced by Improving How You Think. Lets start this Week by Embracing what will come: the Work and the Recovery, the Scheduled and the Spontaneous, and the "High" of the Workout with the "Low" of the 3:55am Alarm. Every Ingredient is Important to a Great Recipe that becomes a Great Dish, just like every One of You is Important to the IPF Community. 

Keep Working and I will meet you @Success.